Steyn wants in at Fox 7pm with an eye on Hannity or Chatsworth; he considers am radio 'handcuffs' and doesn't need the money, radio would pre-empt his cruises and speaking engagements (no less than Rush himself very recently said he hadn't had a weekday to himself in decades without purposefully taking a day off)
That leaves Bannon's War Room -- without a single am radio station -- and he is ready to take on the mantle of providing news and guests to the atypical Limbaugh listener. Which is great -- anything to upgrade America's Voice current obnoxious ad base...
Herman likely gets the booby prize of EIB, and without Steyn, it will collapse under its own weight in 2 years.
303 posted on 02/21/2021 4:04:33 PM PST by StAnDeliver
(Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting Systems Is The Blue Dress)