The only thing that guy is blowing is smoke up Lin Wood's ass.
...and possibly a lot of FR behinds are enjoying the tickling wind as well.
I don’t know what he’s blowing, or you’re inhaling, and I don’t care. All I ever said was that’s the video. Take it or leave it.
“The only thing that guy is blowing is smoke up Lin Wood’s ass.
...and possibly a lot of FR behinds are enjoying the tickling wind as well.”
It does not matter what I believe or you believe now. The damage has been done and needs to be corrected.
The people being presented in the different videos have sign legal affidavit. If they are lying they need to be convicted in a court of Law. Maybe the Federal Government needs to charge and convict them for Perjury.
The guy in the video and Lin Wood has made incredible statements about Vice President Pence, Chief Justice Roberts and others.
Those incredible statements has create damage to our Republic and someone needs to be held accountable.
The United States needs a public hearing in order to restore trust in the United States Government and office holders. Until this happens people will believe the content in sign legal affidavits and videos.