So Christians don’t decay and rot?
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, doesn’t apply to us?
Of course not, Christians decay all the time.
Boy you don’t know the difference between respecting a body by burying it in a place set aside for respect and throwing it into a refuse pile?
Bayard - “Hope none of those were baptized.
The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and by grace God resided with the entire person who lived. It is not a piece of garbage.
1 Corinthians 6:17-20”
Ruffian - “So Christians don’t decay and rot?
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, doesn’t apply to us?
Thank you, Bayard.
To Ruffian: A devolving (un-Godly) society begins to treat their fellow men as garbage heaps, as they have done with innocent unborn children. There is no respect of life from the living. Remind you of any time in history? This is not about God’s plan and purpose in the natural course of His word. It is about how man treats man and what value is placed upon an individual created in the image of God.
Uhm, no, it’s that the body, in life as well as death, should be treated with reverence, not as garbage to be thrown away.