My gawd the sheer hubris.
Hillary wouldn’t believe the time of day from the “conservative media” but believes if a Fox flunkie says Joe Biden is NOT a lying thieving lowlife we will all transform into rino sleazes overnight.
Looks like the endometriosis finally reached her brain.
Joe Biden is a traitor, hag.
You see here’s the problem. Granny Bengazi is projecting here. She and the democrats think that conservative voters, the 51% that voted for Donald Trump can be controlled the way they control their electorate. They think that we are manipulated by our media the way they manipulate their voters by the media.
If they can only control what Fox news says and if they can only silence the opposing voices on facebook and twitter. If only they could shut down any alternative news sources. They think that they can bring conservatives into compliance.
But they’re wrong. It’s not possible for them to understand that we are independent thinkers. Each and every one of us thinks independently and we all have our own points of view. Democrats simply parrot the talking points from the media. Whatever the media tells them is the rules today they will defend that point till they die. But that’s not how conservatives operate. We know what’s right in our hearts and we seek out people and media that agrees with that. We are not subject to the whims and tides of the propoganda outlets.
So if the Communists destroy Fox News and if they Silence all dissent and Scrub Facebook and twitter of every offensive post. If they drive home the point that they control the narrative and nobody else is allowed to hold those reins. It will be a prohibition. We will go underground into the dark web. There will be speakeasy’s that the FBI will hunt in the middle of the night. Where it goes from there is like to examine the chaos of a boiling pot of water.