If it was only that I wouldn’t be as worried. Our election system is now changed. Maybe I’ll be surprised and something will be done to fix it. But I doubt it.
I think it’s all the same whining and histronic fits of ‘the Sky Is Falling’ that each part does when the other gets into the White House, and that’s been going on since Jefferson.
I utterly loath hyperbole.
Democrats have been saying it’s going to be a fascist coup since Nixon ran the first time, Republicans have been saying this is the last election before a Communist regime is installed since Ike, it’s all bullshit.
Even Trump was/is just another Republican, lots of grandiose hype (’the biggest’, ‘the best’ barf) but basically just doing what the actual Republican platform said.
Biden’s just another Dem Senator. There seem to be a lot of folks either so paranoid or mentally limited that they see in black and white, like little kids screaming ‘OMG We’re all going to die”.
The White house, and Congress change parties, often, have for hundreds of years; people who freak out about *any* politician being the ‘end of the republic’ or such just make their lives, and the lives of others miserable with their mental illness. Doesn’t mean I like Biden or Harris or their policies, but I’m not peeing myself like a little girl and freaking out.