‘Internal Passports.’ What many people do not know is that while the USSR did indeed have these Internal Passports, they did not issue them to a large percentage of the populace. And, since one could not travel between states and even counties without this Passport, most of the ‘citizens’ could not move around within the country. This, along with the constant rationing of food, controlled the populace. Leftist Liberal Creepozoids like Chuck You Schumer, Pelousy, are salivating at the prospect of such a system. Since Google has already created a social point system for the Chicoms, instituting it here would be easy. In the USSR, if one dared to state anything other than the prescribed propaganda, one could not only lose the Passport, one would lose the ability to attend any kind of higher education. Your Ration card would be reduced, or eliminated. From then on your very access to food depended on the kindness of others. And, anyone now ‘helping’ you with food was now also suspect. Just read ‘To Build a Castle’ by Vladimir Bukovsky.