So now you have me really confused. Given you're so convinced Guiliani is past his prime, way over his head, and never should have been prosecuting the cases in court (let alone managing Trump's entire legal team), why in the world were you so confident in Trump's legal and reelection chances just two days ago?
I had faith that DJT would serve a second term, whether by winning in court, or by having legislators send in electors that represent the true will of the majority of Americans.
Today, my faith is a little shaken. I guess I am doing more and more Monday morning quarterbacking.
With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, and in particular, reading the recent 3rd Circuit opinion, I now think this whole thing should have been handled differently.
If you wait until after the election to try to overturn fraud, you already have 2 strikes against you. Time is short, and you are working against a well-oiled machine.
I now think Team Trump should have prepared for this far, far better.
I still have faith in the power of prayer, and I encourage all true patriots to pray for our president.