Kemp: Money, or blackmail.
Kelly: Money.
I am sure he thought it wouldn’t matter... by November.
Collins earned that seat .. everyone thought it was a given.. you know a senate seat is not just GIVEN. .and not given to an unknown. her husband works for the stock market and she sold some of hers night before she would have lost money... she is considered one of the wealthiest whatever... I don’t like her.
she sent out political ads attacking Collins.. all lies.. I got them in the mail.. I did not receive any nor see any from Collins... and it serves kemp right to see he is in a mess... but he has put us all in a mess. just think kemp is at the center of whether the dems control the senate or not...and he could have done the right thing and this would not be an issue!
With all this.. stacey abrams was the other choice and kemp was a better choice.. it comes down to bad and worse.