Biden and Harris are not a punishment from God.
That would be mean that God was punishing the preborn babies who would die because of a Biden Harris administration and God would not do that.
Biden and Harris have nothing do do with God.
Bien and Harris serve evil.
Read the Old Testament.
God allowed Israel’s enemies to conquer them.
Over 65 million infants murdered in America, and it has not stopped. There are 16 million people in Ohio, that equals four states of Ohio. Do we really think God doesn’t notice?
We had four years with a sympathetic President, yet what did WE do to stop this horror? Not much.
God judges nations.
Trump is a tool. The movement is even more important. He woke people up.
I seem to remember God hardened Pharos's heart to make things so tough the Jews would leave. Then there was that First Born thing at Passover. And of course we should all remember the Great Flood and the promise that next time we would be burned not drowned.
Maybe we should not assign human emotions to the Judgement of God, He seems a little more complicated than we are.
God has nothing to do with our elections. Maybe if we figured this out, we'd fight harder to win.
Biden and Harris do indeed serve evil, but when God sends judgment on a nation for truing its back on Him, the innocent are often caught up in that judgment.
It’s a pattern that you can see in the OT as God was dealing with Israel.
However, if this is indeed the end times and God is going to take His church out of the picture, then the innocent will not be suffering in the Tribulation nor the Great Tribulation.
God has been drawing a line in the sand for many years now, forcing people to choose sides.
The division between Him and the enemy and good and evil is more and more clear cut.
NOBODY can say, at this point, that they were unaware of what was going on. they may choose to ignore the evidence in front of them, but it’s still there, and when God’s judgment falls, it will fall justly on those who have chosen to side with evil.
We need to be really seriously be praying for God’s last harvest before He brings down the curtain.
I wish more than anything that Trump will prevail and righteousness will prevail. I want to see justice done in the worst way.
However, I also realize that without a nationwide repentance and turning to God, that is not likely to happen. Not yet, anyways.
maybe Jesus is coming back a whole lot sooner than any of us could have imagined