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To: farming pharmer

Recap of their strategy

Overall goal is power over the federal gov’t. Appointments have taken over the administrative arms. Elections are more difficult because they are determined by vote and law.
To control the elections, the strategy has been to reduce security and change laws to favor party-controlled districts. Traditionally this was through gerrymandering but recently it has been done through a combination of changing election rules at the state level and removing decisions from the legal officials (e.g., legislatures per the Fed Constitution) and placing them in the hands of the party in courts (judges) and other state positions.
This year, 2020, the strategy was to go for the top of the ticket. That was considered the key win to implement later phases in strategy. A final taking beginning at the top. It is more expensive and difficult to do this bottom-up so taking the top is cheaper and faster.
Important elements of this strategy were:
(1) control of parts of state gov’ts, e.g,. judges and state officials, who could affect actions, legal or not. Also key is and has been…
(2) control of information (propaganda agencies and social media tech).
The role of the candidates was reduced to lower level of importance. It is nice to have attractive candidates but it isn’t necessary to the strategy and that should be obvious. They candidates only needed to be flexible with the strategy. Some candidates are too independent and forceful to cooperate with the party’s strategy on all counts, therefore, the chosen candidates were adequate candidates for this strategy, not for popular appeal but for flexibility and compliance with the party strategy. One candidate is deep into the party and has a long history of .... The other candidate fits, too. Hide or obscure them for much of the campaign season while the voting plans are implemented.
Extend pre-and post-election voting and vote counting. The more time, the more opportunities to change rules, make vote adjustments, and especially propagandize. The more time to propagandize the citizens and international officials and populations, the better. Years of this have wearied many people.
Stop counting on election day when the vote is at a point where the number of votes needed to “win” is determined. This turned out to be between midnight and 6am the day after the election, of course, because that is about when the counts become clear. Stop counting occurs in areas that are totally in party control and where the vote totals or electoral votes were big enough to manipulate with the least effort. These areas also are areas where the party machine has decades of established vote control.
Announce you are winning. Then, announce you have won on Saturday when there is little attention and people are still anxious about the result. Repeat this announcement endlessly over the weekend when there is less scrutiny. This is not true, of course, as the vote is not completed and the electoral college has not acted. The actual election is indeterminate until court cases are resolved and the vote cleaned up.
Hide the counting so there is ambiguity. Hide everything—make it extremely difficult to get any information or find evidence. Make the effort untraceable and engage in tactics that cannot be caught after the fact such as votes (mail in) that don’t require matching signatures. This follows months, right up to election day, of lawsuits (300 or more) and state-level actions to reduce vote integrity and security.
Intimidate officials in courts and in the general population with threats related to employment and public outing if they disagree. Meanwhile, propagandize endlessly that the vote was clean and is clear. When the court cases require decisions, the judges and the public will be afraid to decide contrary to party wishes. This gets worse by the hour.
Once ended, the system is changed. You have one party with outsized influence and essentially one-party rule at the national level. The next election will grip the states at their level. The legitimacy of the elected officials and the govt will be erased but people will support it regardless. Once you have them in your grip, they will change their minds to agree and comply. This is well-established science.
Keep in mind that the individuals and teams involved in this do not think like you. They don’t follow laws or rules. They are working to win, regardless. Don’t be distracted into thinking if you expose them or their rule-breaking they will withdraw. They don’t care. They want submission. That will be their primary goal going forward.
What can you do? Don’t respond to those who threaten or have power to hurt you or your job. Respond to others with indirect questions. Put the ball in their court by asking questions. This would take a long discussion, but you get the idea.
Your ancestors and this nation’s defenders delivered to you the right to vote, to honest and fair elections, and to hold your views. Never forget that.

355 posted on 11/09/2020 9:44:47 AM PST by iacovatx (Conservatism is the political center--it is not "right" of center)
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To: iacovatx

Good post.

The subhumans that subscribe to this line of thought should be put to the rope in the British fashion for pirates: let them hang out dry for a few months as an example.

356 posted on 11/09/2020 11:08:50 AM PST by farming pharmer (fork you :(){ :|:& };:)
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