To: SomeCallMeTim
NYT Just Georgia to Biden
They Georgia to Biden??????????
To: snarkytart
War Room reporting that Arizona is very much still in play
To: snarkytart
Yep. Ga. is scaring the crud out of me.
6,127 posted on
11/03/2020 9:11:40 PM PST by
To: snarkytart
You know what’s he’s saying. You’re being a pill today.
6,130 posted on
11/03/2020 9:12:00 PM PST by
(Jesus is everything.)
To: snarkytart
They have it leaning Biden now.
To: snarkytart
Anyone catch Bill Hemmer just stating Trump is winning big in Michigan then he got a correction over his earpiece and downplayed it?
6,198 posted on
11/03/2020 9:17:48 PM PST by
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