As we near the end of this election, one thing is obvious.
byecomey’s website has had an impact on a presidential campaign. Not many people can claim that.
The Florida numbers are so widely seen and discussed now that it drives narratives.
TV people and internet sites are all chiming in on the GOP FL comeback.
Pretty remarkable when you step back and think about it.
Well done byecomey. Well done indeed.
The map that changed the world...
Absolutely. Great job byecomey
BTW I notice that all of us are getting repeated on blogs and Tweets. We led a PR comeback for Trump while Fox was trumpeting fake polls and trying to depress our base.
Hear! Hear!
Byecomey’s work has been legendary. I mean, we all did some numbers stuff in the last election, but to craft such a powerful web took that EVERYONE quotes is something special.