My friend used to say, “Jesus isn’t on the ballot this time. Who’s your second choice?”
Jesus isnt on the ballot this time. Whos your second choice?
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To some extent, Jesus *is* on the ballot.
2 John 1:8ff The context is that some Christians were amenable to approve others who had very questionable actions — i.e. sinners/evil.
v11: For he that biddeth him [the evil person] God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
In Hebrews 10:25, we learn about willful sin. Forgiveness for willful sin is very “touchy”; but one can repent. Were I to vote for one of our candidates, I would feel I willfully decided to vote for and partake of the dark side.
I can see situations in which a voter might decide to not vote at all because all choices were bad.
Not the case this year.