[Suspicious Dem questions for Amy Coney Barrett suggest a set-up]
Of course it was. We were just discussing this last night.
The DNC plays dirty. Very dirty.
They miss their unborn-baby-killing, homosexual-marriage-promoting RBG. They are of the spirit of antichrist and must push Satan’s agendas.
Most Americans don’t understand why the Democrats are so hysterical when it comes to Roe v Wade. It’s not so much that they enjoy killing the unborn, it’s the vast amounts of money the abortion industry provides to their cause. It’s not just Planned Parenthood which is just the hood ornament to deflect too much scrutiny, it’s all the other parts that reap big profits for the selling of parts, etc. which return a lot of that money in campaign contributions and dividends to “shareholders”.
I have no doubt they will spring something, esp now to keep this Hunter Biden news at bay....