So far I see no cogent reason for him to relinquish the opportunity to try to improve himself in a situation in which he is losing at the polls as far as we know. He further risks looking petulant. This comes in the wake of refusing to bargain anymore with Nancy Pelosi over Corona virus subsidies. He runs the risk of looking too much like Caesar in a media environment that longs for the Ides of March.
You do not want to entertain a counter to your point of view. Yours is entirely negative toward Trump’s viewpoint. So be it. I won’t waste time with someone whose mind is closed.
This is not a first year law school contracts scenario, this is a question about what is in the best interests of the Trump campaign and that means whether the decision most likely advances his election.
So far I see no cogent reason for him to relinquish the opportunity to try to improve himself in a situation in which he is losing at the polls as far as we know. He further risks looking petulant. This comes in the wake of refusing to bargain anymore with Nancy Pelosi over Corona virus subsidies. He runs the risk of looking too much like Caesar in a media environment that longs for the Ides of March.
Fact: Pelosi knows they have a winning hand; and her base (Biden, Harris’ base) are solid; they don’t care about stimulus, most are paid rioters paid by Soros, et al. Knowing they don’t care about stimulus, and, Pelosi isn’t yielding...why continue?
If one knows one’s internal polls and beyond a shadow of a doubt, knows he will win, turn the tables...throw in a wild card, unpredictable...
Continue negotiation after the election. What difference will be the MSM messaging?
I’m not sure why you don’t see these things...
LOLOL...if you believe these fake polls, then you probably believe CDC/FRAUDci that you must keep a face mask on, at all times.