What does it mean for 200,000 dead people if we strike down the pre existing condition clause? Really?
Less jobs, more dead. Medicaid serves women with children. NOT Men with children. My Eldest is 50, Type 2 Diabetic, Diabetic Neuropathy, NO JOB, NO HEALTHCARE. COVID got his manager’s job. At 50 with Pre-Existing conditions, No matter how many jobs he applies for he gets turned down, that is Obama/Biden’s Obamacare crap, don’t hire people like my son. He was despite health issues he put in 60+ hrs a week. Every job he held he left better off. His soon to be 19 yr old job pays $10.00 a hr cleaning/painting FedX in Memphis under a subcontractor. He wants to go to Tech school. Took Eldest 15 weeks to get UE.