I actually think this would be best for everyone. It is no longer possible to live peaceably with the left. It’s time for a peaceful divorce, before we need to go down the road to a bloody one.
The only rule ... they can’t come back.
You do know there are parts of the country where you can see a yard full of Biden signs and then next door a yard full of Trump signs.
That is why the first Civil War often became the war of neighbor against neighbor, particularly in border states.
Just one example—Maryland was technically in the Union, but Lincoln closed down the main Baltimore newspaper because of its vocal support for the Confederacy:
---The Left does not negotiate, but issue demands.
---They adhere to only one rule...what's theirs is theirs, what's ours is...negotiable.
---Rule 1(b) is that negotiations are final until they decide they need to renegotiate...then, see Rule 1(a).
---Because of the nature of the Left, they will be unable to deliver on any 'commitments' they make.
I live in Washington State, westside. I'm a US citizen. I'm not going anywhere, and any part of the US is not theirs to take. I'd much rather be a monkey wrench in their machinery...anonymously, of course.
Those who think there can be a peaceful resolution do not understand the nature of our disagreement...and fail to grasp the fundamentals of the host/parasite relationship.
Then there's the fundamentals of human nature...you get more of that which you reward. Let them declare, then come in with a heavy boot, military trials for the leadership, re-education camps for the rest. And...clean house. This ends, NOW.