This is HUGE. When do unions EVER endorse Republicans?
This is the boilermakers, but every union, regardless of how it's leaders yap, have most members in favor of Trump {except the teachers and SEIU}.
In my neighborhood, there are two teachers for biden {their live in males are Trumpers}, eight other teachers for Trump, six are husband/wife the other two a married to someone that supports Trump but has a different job.
There maybe more that I don't know or have not expressed their opinions.
This is Westmoreland County and we went 62.5-35% for Trump in 2016, so it is not representative of the whole state of PA.
We will beat last cycles numbers in our county.
I work for the party, and I have never seen such high intensity and people cannot wait to vote.
Almost every one I know is going to vote in person, because we don't trust the mail in ballot system.
“”This is HUGE. When do unions EVER endorse Republicans?””
You have to remember, Trump is not a Republican, he is an American!