But we have failed none the less. We failed not because we don't cheat but because we did not punish those who do. Democrats have been stealing elections and using mass vote fraud for decades and we have done nothing. Bottom line, there has been no consequences for stealing elections.
Now we are seeing the result when corrupt law breakers are not held accountable. I have my doubts that this can be fixed. It's probably too late.
Shortly after 2016, efforts began to clean up voter rolls, which is the main source of voter fraud. We’ve only failed in that judges have stymied many of the attempts to purge invalid voters.
I foresee a clean sweep which will enable an election fix once and for all. Including:
No mail-in, voter ID, purging of old / inactive / deceased voters, and prohibition of ballot harvesting....ON A NATIONAL SCALE.
Vote integrity is job #1 and must, MUST be fixed.