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To: Its All Over Except ...

I read this bizarre article yesterday.

Joe Biden just destroyed one of Trump’s biggest attack lines

(CNN)Joe Biden on Saturday utterly devastated one of President Donald Trump’s most repeated attack lines against the former Vice President. And the irony is Fox News helped him do it.

On the day that Trump was at his ritzy, exclusive country club in Bedminster, New Jersey, that reportedly has a $350,000 admission fee, Biden did what so many typical Americans do for recreation: He rode a bike

The former vice president, who was wearing a mask, was accompanied on his bicycle ride by a few others on the streets of his home state of Delaware when they were approached by Fox News’ Peter Doocy. The Fox reporter yelled at the bike-riding Biden: “Mr. Vice President have you picked a running mate yet?” to which Biden responded, “Yeah I have.” Doocy then followed up, “You have? Who is it?” to which Biden jokingly replied, “You!”

The irony was delicious. There’s Biden briskly riding a bicycle while Trump is at his private country club, where the only exercise he seems to get is getting in and out of his golf cart. Yet Trump is calling Biden “Sleepy.” Sometimes comedy writes itself. But in this case Twitter helped as the hashtag “Trump Can’t ride a Bike” got traction online, with one anti-Trumper juxtaposing video footage of Biden riding his bicycle with Trump struggling to walk down a ramp after delivering the commencement address in June at West Point.

here’s an idea that might convince even higher numbers. Instead of a fourth debate that Trump’s team wants, why not hold a good old-fashioned bicycle race between the two?! Trump loves ratings and this would no doubt attract millions! I can’t even imagine how many will tune in just to see if Trump can even balance on a bicycle, let alone ride one.

26 posted on 08/10/2020 4:06:17 AM PDT by Rusty0604 (2020 four more years!)
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To: Rusty0604
The ability to ride a bike, or any other physical accomplishment, has nothing to do with dementia. People suffering from dementia have little mental glitches when they forget what they’re talking about and then may come back quickly. In later stages, they don’t come back mentally at all.

Only people have not had extended personal contact with someone suffering from dementia would equate the ability to ride a bike with the ability to think and articulate clearly. We had a president who was in a wheelchair. We can have a president who is not riding bikes.

The article mentioned that Biden was wearing a mask. Why didn’t the article mentioned that Biden was NOT wearing a helmet? I imagine that the Secret Service agents wanted him to wear a helmet. What is the full story behind Biden not wearing a helmet?

32 posted on 08/10/2020 4:34:46 AM PDT by Freee-dame
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To: Rusty0604

I have a friend with Dementia who I used to bike ride with. He was fairly advanced in the illness having lost his drivers license and could still ride. He finally became a risk to himself and others so we quit riding. I worked at a residence facility for disabled. Kids at the facility were taught how to run and ride bikes etc for the Special Olympics . One of the residence, in his twenties when I worked there, if he got Out of the facility and got a hold of a bike he could get 30 miles in in a very short time. I think his longest escape was 60 miles. Riding a bike is apropos of nothing!

37 posted on 08/10/2020 5:06:15 AM PDT by carcraft (Pray for our Country)
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