Whether they do it knowingly as Marxists or unknowingly as Useful Idiots, the result is the same.
This is true. These Useful Idiots have rarely visited the BLM site, and even fewer are aware of their mission statement. I have often pointed it out and they perform all manner of contortions to explain away what they really mean despite the clear verbiage.
But I have a different take on what Mr Beatty repeatedly states. To justify BLM rather than ALM, you have to accept the premise that black people’s lives are relatively undervalued in the US in recent history. I dont. At least not ant more than any other life. Rather, BLM trained Marxists need the cover the uninitiated Useful Idiots provide. Having their catchphrase replaced or altered separates the true BLM from those that possibly might be of purer heart.
To the Marxists at Black Lives Matter, black grievance is a tool for Marxist ends.
They no doubt believe they are killing two birds with one stone, serving two masters for the price of one, Marx and the war against the country that once enslaved them, but in reality, they are only serving one master, and one master alone.
Marx and his ideological progeny.