The issue isn't just citizenship.
The question is, are residents who are paying for services through their taxes entitled to any representation?
There are reasonable arguments on both sides.
Representatives should be for citizens only.
If you are not a citizen, than you are only visiting and do not permanently belong here.
If you plan on staying permanently, you need to get citizenship.
IMHO, the issue is completely about citizenship — and applies to any nation.
There may be instances where your argument about taxation and representation applies at the local level — but, not nationally.
If representation for tax-paying illegal immigrants — what about illegal immigrants who don’t pay taxes? If you have to pay a tax to get representation, what about those citizens who don’t pay taxes? Isn’t representation a birthright for citizens?
Put another way — how much does an American [or other nation’s] citizenship cost? What level of tax-paying (price) should entitle one to representation?
Clearly, citizenship is a thing apart from taxes paid.