Turkey has the disadvantage that everywhere but Syria where Turkey is seeking to influence outcomes (like Libya), the area is closer to Egypt and more within its historical area of influence than is true for Turkey, at least in the post Ottoman Empire era.
If Erdogan thinks he can redo the old Ottoman Empire under his Islamic fundamentalist umbrella, he will be greatly disappointed. The memories against the Turks all around the Middle East are as fresh as the memories around Asia when it comes to Japan.
I view this as more of a power projection effort, as well as a way for Turkey's armed forces to hone their skills and test their weapons. If it weren't for Erdogan, Turkey might be in the EU by now. As it is, it can't and won't leave either NATO (because of the historical rivalry between Turkey and Russia) or the trade agreements with the EU. Erdogan's attempt to build a mini-EU among some of his none-too-neighborly neighbors went down in flames a long while ago.