Drip drip drip
Wheres Durham ?
I predict. Labor Day. Indictments
Somebody needs to BLM Judge Sullivan. Since whatever BLM does is not worthy of prosecution ... Just saying
The one thing I can’t figure out is that Judge Sullivan doesn’t seem to want to address any of this recent exculpatory evidence that’s come out, or that the lead prosecutor Brandon Van Grack was forced off the case. It’s like all of this stuff is non-existent, and has nothing to do with the DOJ’s dismissal of the case.
And this information simply means the fbi itself is the enemy of the people. If the fbi and its lackey agents who willingly framed LTG Flynn are able to get away with it, then you or I are next and the fbi is just the modern day Stasi.
The only shocking thing about the Flynn case would be people being held accountable; however, that’s not likely to happen.
Try Judge Emmet Sullivan for sedition and treason,
and the coverup of murder. Then he should
pay the price ..... or America will DIE.
Emmett Sullivan is on the case. /eyeroll