Yep, the Kenyanesian Usurper turned the CIA and FBIAS (Federal Bureau of Incrimination And Sedition) against the citizens and they are now more of a danger to us than what they pretend to protect us from.
To use that adjective for Barry is to give credence to a huge Constitution-subverting, CIA/Deep State lie, and to help the Dems subvert so many conscientious, conservative doubters--many on this board--whose appropriate skepticism was never quenched with truth, but was instead met with ridicule ("You don't even believe he was born in Hawai'i!"), Barry-claimed "silliness," and the pejorative moniker, "birther!"
That's what you do when you repeat the term "Kenyanesian" as if it were true when it's not. I wish you'd stop doing those things.