WE have standards of training, Ranger training, deep recon marine training, and some others that have not changed.
there are now many more special ops afield than at any time in history. Obama actually started that and it is the only good thing he did with the military.
Special operations now has its own military command which means it has much better coordination between the military branches and military units than ever before.
A lot has changed over the years. Because of the professionalism of our men and women in the military they are tougher, stronger and smarter than every before and can easily outlast the Obama type president who thinks more like a girl scout than CIC.
We probably have the best soldiers in the world.
I was cannon fodder, nothing more when I first joined, and at my age I am still cannon fodder but I will defend my home and my country to the death.
Charle Daniels, a great patriot, died today and he was 1 year older than me.