I don’t blame the commies, atheists and infiltrators — in China, or here — that is what they do.
I blame the parishioners who stay on while, and after, this happens. We Christians are given discernment; and we’re told to test the spirits, whether they be of God. Then walk, and choose to assemble together with real Bible believers and Gospel teachers.
“..parishioners who stay on ..”
In American protestant churches the lay people have built their churches where they have worshiped, often for generations; where they have married, baptized their young, buried they families. Clergy come and go, but the lay people are always there. Many have cemeteries where the family memorials stand. When these outside influences take over parishioners sit in their pews discounting any lies they may hear and take consolation with other like-minded with themselves. They are not inclined to leave their history to intruders. It is a strange phenomenon.