My neighbor has been sighting in his hunting rifles at the local range. He says he will not defend his home at the doorstep but at many blocks away.
He thinks that, by eliminating any potential problems at a distance, he will have a better chance of escaping hand to hand violence.
“My neighbor has been sighting in his hunting rifles at the local range. He says he will not defend his home at the doorstep but at many blocks away.”
Gun grabbers always lie about their real intent (confiscation), especially when they say “all we want is an assault weapons ban; you can keep your pretty hunting guns”.
Any decent hunting rifle can take game out to 400 yds. That makes it a “medium range sniper weapon” and must be banned according to the Red fascists in our midst.
As for Antifa/BurnLootMurder thugs, their famous last words will sound like “Pussy, I ain’t afraid of your m****f****ing gun! You ain’t got the balls!!”