To: dirtboy
When will people have enough of this?
3 posted on
06/25/2020 7:41:07 AM PDT by
To: skams19
When will people have enough of this?
After the election.
Depending on who wins...
6 posted on
06/25/2020 7:42:05 AM PDT by
cuban leaf
(The political war playing out in every country now: Globalists vs Nationalists)
To: skams19
When will people have enough of this?
Partner, we hope they come to Texas since we are locked and loaded for these Thugs.
To: skams19
“When will people have enough of this?”
Tomorrow night at 8:23pm
To: skams19
The fighting will get real hot and heavy AFTER we lose everything and our cities and homes are engulfed in flames then will the people wake up from their stupper! But not until then! Ugh!!
To: skams19
17 posted on
06/25/2020 8:00:24 AM PDT by
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