To give one example...Massachusetts has a Trump hating RINO Governor (who's actually even stopped *pretending* to be a Republican) who instituted just about the most draconian rules found anywhere in the country.Somebody sued him,in Federal Court,regarding his declaration that gun shops were "non-essential" and,therefore,must close.
The Federal judge declared that that ruling violated citizens' rights under the 2nd Amendment and ordered the gun shops to be reopened.
So following that logic do *all* US citizens have a right to engage in commerce? Or a right to do what it takes to feed themselves and their families? All US citizens *certainly* have the right to worship in the way they choose.
Think about when a disaster hits; everyone waits for that 'declaration' so that it will trigger a federal response which then makes the area eligible for federal assistance.
While we've all been working, raising families, dealing with life for decades, those in elected positions have made sure things are incorporated into the various state governments which passes down to the counties and then the cities/towns.
Wisconsin is WIDE OPEN the state Supreme Court over ruled the governors lock down order as unconstitutional unfortunately these blue states have LIB state supreme courts SO they would have to go all the way to SCOTUS which could take forever!{{
I live in MA. and I’m absolutely amazed at how willingly the citizens of this state have followed in lock step with Charlie’s edicts. We have friends who are on the right that are terrified of this virus and think my husband and I are crazy to be going about our normal lives. Well as normal as we’re allowed and we’re senior citizens. We had our first dinner outside tonight, at our favorite restaurant, and it was wonderful. I honestly expect Baker to stall the rest of the reopening because some states are seeing a growth in new cases.