The only question remaining is when does this advance past public denunciations and historic repudiations, and into killing fields.
Rather quickly since they’re encountering zero resistance.
Where is the DOJ? Where is Homeland Security? What happened to all those laws that supposedly protect us?
Those laws and departments were all established to make sure these sorts of things never happen again.
Jefferson, Washington, Madison, et al, knew that was impossible for mere men to achieve by law. That’s why the Declaration, the Constitution, the First and Second amendments, etc, and their deference to God Almighty.
Stay armed and ever vigilant.
Train your children well (a biblical concept mastered by the left).
“Where is the DOJ? Where is Homeland Security? What happened to all those laws that supposedly protect us?”
Just like all the surveillance equipment and military police hardware it doesn’t seem to be used when there is a real national threat. Only useful if the left complains about some unknown redneck deplorable protecting historic statues from being pulled down. Isn’t that what started the Charlottesville fiasco and how it played out?