So, to whom are the property owners, the corporations, the bankers, blue collar workers, and the trucking industry turning to voice their displeasure? And more importantly, why aren't they being listened to?
Many of the upper and uber rich certainly must be friends or political donors to Cuomo. What must they be thinking of him now?
The same can be said of the people who have been supporting DeBlasio, in political support and campaign donations. They MUST be frantically calling him and trying to get him to DO something. What must THEY be thinking of him now?
Going along further, New Yorkers must be wondering why in the hell Schumer isn't manning up and standing up for the law abiding citizens of New York, and wondering why he doesn't give at least verbal support to the NYPD.
And now for the big guy. The one politician with the guts to at least publicly challenge Cuomo and DeBlasio is President Trump. He DOES support the NYPD, and he DOES want the ongoing economic attack to be brought to a quick halt. He is the biggest voice speaking on behalf of the New York citizens. I wonder, do the residents of New York City and Manhattan at least have a little gratitude that a man they abhor and would never vote for, is trying his best on their behalf?
They’re all playing golf down in Florida. They’re relaxed and enjoying the good life.
The true blue believers in the marxist/fascist democrat party hate capitalism. NY is representative of capitalism. The world capital of capitalism. The true blue believers of democrat marxist fascism want NYC to fall, just as bad as the true believers of Islamofascism did on 9/11.