Am I reading this right? How can someone open a store without insurance or is it that he doesn’t have “riot insurance”?
“...How can someone open a store without insurance or is it that he doesnt have riot insurance?...”
Under the table payoffs and a promise to vote “D”.
Well, it is Chicago. A little friendly gifting to bureaucrats can get a lot of things overlooked.
Theres riot insurance. Its called taxpayer bailouts.
You’re not required to have that kind of insurance
Insurance doesn’t cover riots/war.
1. They are lying, maybe.
2. They have SOME insurance, but not enough.
3. They bribed the person who sold them the business.
4. If the owners have no fire insurance then they are pretty naive.
5. They should MOVE and get out of that HELL HOLE.
...2, 3, 4.
Now come the excuses. Heck, how much is peace of mind and safety worth?
I still have a relative in Torrance.
There really is no such thing. Business insurance policies exclude riots, wars and pandemics.