There is a lot more going on
in this video that requires a closer, 2nd viewing.
- AA leisurely strolls into upper-right frame, and first turns to look up the street (from where he came) before ducking into the garage of the under-construction home.
- Some time passes, then AA peeks out of the garage and ducks back around the corner into that home's backyard.
- So AA passes through or at least in view of McM's side yard to now enter the under-construction home from behind (otherwise how does AA come out the front door very shortly).
- Now this is the part that's easy to miss on the first viewing -- at the "12:24" mark in the video, across the street and slightly up from the under-construction home that AA has entered, a man strides forward in the far upper-left of the video, faces the under-construction home, and makes purposeful movements as if he's on the phone or using a phone.
- At the "12:40" mark, a dark late-model Ford comes up the street. AA bolts down the street, and the man turns to watch. The video ends.