Either it’s a nothing virus and China is still overreacting and destroying their economy.
Or maybe, China knows...
I think China knows what it really does. And mortality isn’t the desired goal of the infection.
It’s turning out there’s a lot connected to this virus besides it’s mortality.
Stuff we are beginning to realize as the situation continues.
One thing that I have noticed about this whole scenario, is the lack of focus on God in all of this.
Even here on this website, aside from some threads about the biochipping, there’s very little talk or recognition of God’s role in it and how Christians, true believers, should be dealing with it.
I think too many are getting their eyes on the fall out, the mortality, the loss of freedom, the economic ramifications, the vaccines and the bioship and their tracking of us.
This is the perfect scenario for the Mark of the Beast as forewarned in Revelation.
So for all our preps, we also need to be prepping spiritually because should push come to shove and the mark or chipping be required, or else, we need to decide what we are going to do before hand.
Eternity is a LONG time, so to speak. it behooves us to keep that in mind as we deal with the day to day of this crisis.