I follow the covid19 recovery stories but this one made me very happy. Pastor Don Wilkerson can continue in his ministry for a longer time because God is healing him.
It’s a miracle that “The Cross and the Switchblade”/David & Don Wilkerson ministry birthed from the 1950’s NYC gang salvations is still effective to this day. Teen Challenge centres worldwide and Times Square Church are saving lives. Nicky Cruz is still evangelizing. Obviously it is all a work of God.
My daughter was saved from certain death by this organzation (TC)... they are typically the last resort for many who are addicted...
They focus on breaking you down and making you face your issues/problems... followed by building you up in understanding your worth in Christ.
Long program, 12-15 months... because it takes 8-10 moths for the body to get back to normal after opiate addiction... It costs very little, ususally free to those who have nothing.... they take donations and do fund raising.
God Bless them...