Agree. Some leading Democrats have mentioned that they face big financial problems, due to the economy being shut down.
I heard DeBlasio complain, that he’s facing about a $4 billion deficit, I think? And Cuomo is facing about a $7 billion deficit. And these deficits are due to the economic shutdown, which has dried up tax revenues to state and local governments.
And I’m sure the same is happening across the country. The decline in tax revenues, combined with spending staying the same or increasing, results in deficits.
Court Machinery Seizes Up Money Flow Stops
NOLA City Layoffs Coming We Told You So
School District Salary Supplements, Staffing Levels Under Review
Our California Property Taxes (1/2) were due the 11th of April, and we paid those. We have a lot of control on where and how our property taxes are paid.
We will not pay our Fed and State Income taxes until the last minute they are due!