In order to justify the response of shutting down the universe there should have been a difference. Let’s check February and January then also- while the disease was active but no economic suspension was active.
2020 2019 2018 2017
total 53,922 58,034 60,716 58,396
jan 57,990 58,167 65,764 59,521
feb 55,520 58,096 59,914 58,559
mar 48,257 57,840 56,469 57,109
I tried to format it with spaces but failed. There are no excess deaths this year. Nothing to justify economic suicide.
There is a detailed warning on the CDC site which says in effect that recent information is subject to change. For example week 10 showed about 48,000 deaths nationally when I checked in about 10 days ago. Week 10 now shows 51,978 deaths. It takes a while to collect the information I guess, and the flubros know they have to then manually alter the death certificates with a magic marker to say they are mostly Covid deaths, < kidding.....>