> A frigate is not a battleship. <
It sure isnt. I suppose the author meant to say warship instead of battleship. Its just inexcusably sloppy reporting.
Those boats aren’t assault weapons?
I suppose the author meant to say warship instead of battleship. Its just inexcusably sloppy reporting.
I’m fair sure they’re just idiots and don’t know one from the other. Same thing happened during 9/11 when the USN moved ships into NY harbors to provide electricity from their onboard generators. Lots of crying out about “battleships” being sent to NYNY.
And reminds me of when the kerfuffle was going on at the Russian White House all these years ago.
Some high polish and parade painted AMD airborne capable armored personnel carriers arrived on scene and started disgorging troops. The American reporters call them “tank looking things”. Missed the hint that it was an airborne unit and *all* members of airborne units at that time were fully vetted communist party members.
Or little boy Bret Baier in his early days in Afghanistan, showing us a clip of aircraft refueling on the fly, and telling us about the “entrails” of the planes in the sky... meaning contrails.
journalists are idiots. all they learn in journo skool is how to identify the proper person in their chain o command or “news room” to fellate or drop trousers for in order to get more column inches or TV face time.