Because by using YOUR logic - he is no longer playing 4D chess - but checkers and he is now too stupid to know the deep state has conned him.
The U .S. Government COVID - 19 Response Plan is signed off on by him. Phase 2C is signed off on by him. FEMA is being used by him.
So - maybe you need to hope that Trump stops fighting Trump. Maybe you should open up your eyes. Maybe you need to understand that some people just know more about this - and that includes Mike Pence - which is why he pushed Phase 2C on the states.
The devil has conned a lot of people.
If one sincerely asks God for help, he will undo it all.
Most leftist municipalities are not conned though, and doing the will of the devil and the deep state willingly. That is what really concerns me right now.
Cause of that, I will hold out hope that Trump has not been conned by the deep state, and is just playing the long game.
If I am wrong.. will have to go from there.
But as of right now, on the surface, the globalists and everyone who is an enemy of America’s national sovereignty, is attacking Trump from all sides, and I support him through it.