Obama had Saudi backing from early on. Arab money paid for his Columbia degree. The Sauds had a lot of money invested in him. Why would they not buy him a Senate seat?
And what does it mean to be an influential Saudi? Why is connection to the Saudi family a thing of influence? O I L !
Saudi oil got its start as A R A M C O. And ARAMCO got its start from A M O C O, the roots of which is solidly the signature of the Rocke fellers. That tells you why Jesse Jackson and Mosely Braun would "back off." That tells you how Jack Ryan's court-sealed divorce records would become public to aid a supposed "nobody."
That tells you why Clapper and Brennan would hire Dennis Montgomery and buy many millions of dollars of computer equipment to invade and edit the Hawaii Vital Statistics and as a two-fer help to get rid of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
That tells you why the same Brennan would send a $2B CIA submarine and its foreign operatives to fraudulently influence an American presidential election. He sent it where Barry's CIA-forged birth certificate procurer's expensively choreographed, faked death would allow her to retire with a million dollar jingle in her, her "family's" and her associate's pockets, in The Fuddy Hoax.