It does show money can buy some elections
Just wait until everybody has seen the Bloomberg Highlight Reel.
Bloomberg has a nasty habit of running down those he considers to be his inferiors on video. And he considers every single one of us to be his inferior.
So far he has run down Blacks, “Minorities”, Farmers, Factory Workers, Gun Owners, Rural Folk, Suburbanites, Car Owners, Church Goers, and anybody with a job.
This is not going to play well.
Yeah, for the low information voter. For everyone else, it's the kook parade.
I really hope Bloomberg takes the lead and they get stupid enough to nominate him because that will absolutely drive the far leftists utterly nuts, I could even see them voting for Trump just out of revenge.
I'll bet that scummy George Soros is kicking himself... all that money he's given to democrat thugs - AND HE a could have just bought the election for himself... Jokes on YOU Soros.