A lot of the Political appointees of Obama at the Justice department were converted to Civil Service Employees before Obama left Office. There is an old saying about Federal Civil Service Employees ....”You Can’t Fire Them and You Can’t Make them Work”. I suspect that Barr would love to get rid of a whole bunch of them, but his hands are tied. Perhaps, if we get a Republican House, Senate and President in 2021, we might be able to get Civil Service reform, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
Mrs. Infool7 says
Any, ANY government pay
seven years max.
She doesn’t cap it at a dollar amount.
After you max out find something in the private sector.
A lot of the Political appointees of Obama at the Justice department were converted to Civil Service Employees before Obama left Office.
This happened in all agencies, not just the Justice Department.
The Kenyanesian Usurper had eight long years to corrupt our ENTIRE government.
Because BOTH parties decided we did not need that natural born citizen requirement anymore.