I have found this product to work very well. It is a nasal spray you use at the first sign of cold or flu. Stops it in its tracks for me. YMMV. It is not sold directly in the US, but you can buy on Amazon.
I have felt one or two incipient cold or flu episodes coming on this winter and I now believe First Defence actually does either stop the disease in its tracks or greatly ameliorates the symptoms.
People are concerned that the product does not come in safety packaging and my daughter is very leary of the possibility of Chinese counterfeit products being sold on Amazon. The last batch I purchased on Amazon was shipped by some company in the U.K.
I use Zicam nasal swabs at the first sign of a cold. So far so good. I was so happy when the FDA allowed it to be brought back to the market.
Thanks for the recommendation. Curious why it is not sold in the US....