Try ringing our tail over something you know a little something about.
Your troll-baiting rag against POTUS on pro-Life permissive US law is bereft of all basic knowledge for how law is even made. How embarrassing.
I suspect you agree that Article VI of the Constitution specifies what are to be considered the highest laws of the land. If so, we have at least that understanding in common. I also suspect you agree that Amendments 5 and 14 are clear in stating that no person shall be deprived of their life without due process. If so, we have the basis for a discussion about the unconstitutional practice of abortion and use of abortifacient drugs, and the things that a President can do to support and defend the Constitution in this matter.
I'm 65 years old. I left the Republican Party in 2008 and have seen no reason to return. Some of the Republicans here today are surely flummoxed that their presidential nominee in 2012, whom they enthusiastically supported then, is in their "doghouse" with this week's impeachment votes. You speak of embarrassment, and I defer to your expertise on the subject in asking how embarrassed those who supported Romney in 2012 and Trump today should be?