To: BenLurkin
A recall effort needs to be made
38 posted on
01/15/2020 2:20:19 PM PST by
("Righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people." Proverbs 14:34)
To: ducttape45
A recall effort needs to be made An effort certainly needs to be made, but a 'recall' isn't the first thing that popped into my head.
111 posted on
01/15/2020 5:18:26 PM PST by
To: ducttape45
The Virginia Constitution lacks a recall provision.
112 posted on
01/15/2020 5:19:37 PM PST by
("Who is John Galt?" by Billthedrill & Publius available at Amazon.)
To: ducttape45
A recall effort needs to be madeBack up plans:
Voting from up top.
173 posted on
01/16/2020 5:17:02 AM PST by
(Quit calling them liberals, progs, socialists, or democrats. Call them what they are: COMMUNISTS!!!!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson