And how about a combined Marvel superhero, Easter bunny, earth mother of all things? Would such a creature by definition be the same?
I don’t ask this to mock God, but rather to mock the poor logical argument that if we conceive an all-powerful in our mind, but definition the conception must be all powerful and must therefore exist.
I dont ask this to mock God
Would that be the God you seem to not believe in?
I don’t ‘conceive’ God in my mind. I ‘perceive’ Him. Big difference. As Romans 1 and David in the Psalms and Job concurred, He has spoken throughout history through the amazing Creation around us all screaming out of His intricate design. Do you honestly think DNA or the atom came into being by willing itself to tell the ‘next-non-failure’ to self-modify? How? by little Post-it’s?
Jesus said that those who seek God (truly honestly seek) will find Him.
The Atheist’ root motive is to deny absolute accountability. Our sinful nature abhors accountability and will craft any vain imagination to prop up that vapor of a structure of deniability.
For someone defending the existence of God, this is an extremely poor (irrational) article.
The best possible argument for the existence of God is that liberals don’t believe in him. They are literally wrong about EVERYTHING. I hope they never start believing in God, because then I will have to question my faith.
I don’t think God argues about his existence....’I am that I am”.......