Just posted the following on another thread:
We saw Richard Jewell today and were stunned at how the FBI treated that poor man lying to him, manipulating him, tricking him, trying to keep him from talking to a lawyer etc. Basically it was exactly what they did to Flynn.
Seems Jewell was a decent guy, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so they used that to their advantage to frame him. Even when they knew he was innocent, they continued with the harassment of him and his poor mother. Actually, it was sickening to watch this.
And to think the FBI was once a respected law enforcement organization...
Trump should dismantle the FBI. I’m tired of hearing about the “Good ones in the rank and file”. Good ones don’t let the bad ones get away with crap.
Fire them all.
Seems Jewell was a decent guy, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so they used that to their advantage to frame him. Even when they knew he was innocent, they continued with the harassment of him and his poor mother. Actually, it was sickening to watch this.
Yup, Richard Jewell was a simple-hearted guy raised to respect authority, something stated in the movie 3 times, I think.
Did it earn him some respect with the FBI..?
Why, no, it is EXTREMELY instructive that the FBI observed his respect for them, and *thereby* regarded Jewell with TOTAL CONTEMPT. Yes, "He trusts us = HE IS A STUPID RUBE DESERVING TO BE BETRAYED".
That attitude I think really, reallllllly showed FBI values.
It's the ZuckerbergIzation of the FBI:
"People who trust us are IDIOTS."
But the FBI is correct:
People who like the FBI or trust the FBI are IDIOTS.
I have felt that way for decades.
The Anthrax letters caused the FBI to harass one scientist who finally sued them and won a bunch of money.
they then harassed a second scientist,Dr Ivins who ended up committing suicide, so they announced he did it and closed the case.
The problem? He may have committed suicide from shame because he was into kinky pornography and keeping it a secret.
and a lot of us with a smidgen of scientific training know that the FBI based their case on the fact he had access to anthrax.
But since Ivins worked to make vaccine, he had no expertise or equipment to grinding anthrax spores to weapon sized particles found in the letter.
No problem for the FBI but it makes me wonder.
On Netflix I watched a show called “An Innocent Man” or something like that. A documentary of events in Ada, Oklahoma where two women were killed.
The guys in the movie (and Jewell no doubt) obviously didn’t have youtube back then - but they should have watched that video about “Don’t talk to the police”: