“” Similar dramatic ranges are found within the same region. In Orlando, one hospital charged as little as $877 total. Another charged close to $2,000 ($1,980) and didnt even include the fee to read the MRI.
Hospitals in Los Angeles charged from $400 to $2,800 ($2,850).
Raleigh-Durham: about a $1,000 ($1,023) to $2,700 ($2,775).
Des Moines also from about $1,000 ($1,071) to $3,500 ($3,536).
Dallas and Fort Worth: $500 ($508) to $4,200 ($4,274).
And the biggest disparity was in the New York City area. The cheapest knee MRI was about $440. Another hospital in the area the most expensive in the survey charged $4,500!
Do you get it now???
I get that you should call ahead to see what the prices are What part of it dont you get?