Posted on 11/13/2019 1:45:37 AM PST by Enterprise
What?! That doesnt even make sense. What a liar.
The statute does not apply to thirdhand-gossip, but rather provable facts and evidence, and further, it applies to outing corrupt executive branch dept heads and bureaucRATs, not The President.
This guy is not "a whistleblower" but a well known corrupt lying partisan hack, as is shown by release of the actual transcript.
I LOVE that front page. Its going to be worth a fortune some day
I agree. There are many ways this partisan leaker fails to meet the criteria of whistleblower. Thats because the whole thing was fake - staged and contrived by the Democrats to advance the purpose of further smearing the President.
A fake tree differs from a real tree in many ways, not just one. Same with a fake whistleblower.
As with Christine Blasey Ford in the Kavanaugh case, where the so-called victim was coached and cultivated in an attempt to pass her off as a real victim, the so-called whistleblower was coached and cultivated to appear as a true whistleblower.
The Democrats probably knew Blasey Ford would eventually be exposed as a fraud but hoped that with the help of the media and stalling tactics, the smear campaign would do its damage by that time, and their corruption would be brushed off as right wing nutcase conspiracy theory.
Similarly, the Democrats realize the Republicans have their number with this fake whistleblower, and that he would be exposed as a fake under cross examination, and would expose the Democrats criminal role in counterfeiting and coaching him. Thats why they came up with this anonymity crap - which is not a standard element of whistleblower protection.
“The one witness who will blow them all apart is Bolton.”
I wouldn’t count on that. Bolton is a deep stater and a Trump Hater par excellence.
We’ll see.....You’re just plain wrong. His personality alone says he wouldn’t have taken the job unless he could do something for the country. He is a patriot. Yes....also a hawk....but he’s hardly the only hawk around.
Bidens hand is photo shopped in that pic btw
Sorry not.
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